
What Did Mirabeau Lamar Do

Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar was the 2nd president of the Republic of Texas. He was born in Georgia in 1798 to John Samuel Iii and Rebecca Lamar.  One of the youngest of eight children, Lamar was self educated, having been accepted to Princeton University, though he declined.

Early on, he tried to found himself in several  businesses including becoming a merchant, only he was unsuccessful.  His father helped him to secure a job as secretary to the governor of Georgia, George M. Troup.  He traveled the state speaking on behalf of Gov. Troup.  During this period he met his first wife, Tabatha Burwell Jordan.  Lamar and Tabitha were married in 1826 and two years afterwards, when Troup failed to be reelected, he and Tabitha moved to Columbus, Georgia.  At that place he established a newspaper called the Columbus Enquirer.  While living in Columbus, Lamar made a successful run for the Georgia Senate and served one term.  His wife Tabitha passed away in 1830, leaving him with ane daughter, Rebecca Ann.  Lamar then studied police and was admitted to the Georgia bar 3 years later.  In 1934, he suffered another personal loss equally his brother Lucius committed suicide, after which Lamar came to Texas.

He was personal friends with James W. Fannin and upon learning of the expiry of Fannin at the hands of the Mexican Army, he decided to stay in Texas and join the Texas Army.  He served under Sam Houston in the events leading up to the Boxing of San Jacinto.  He distinguished himself as a soldier and was given command of a cavalry regiment which he led in the Battle of San Jacinto.

He succeeded Thomas Rusk as Secretary of War of the Democracy when he was appointed by acting President David G. Burnet.  A few months later, Lamar was appointed Vice President of the Commonwealth by interim President Burnet.  While serving as Vice President nether Burnet, Lamar began to promote the establishment of schools in each commune. His interest in pedagogy led him to follow through and every bit a effect, a number of schools were established.

Houston won the election every bit the first President of the Republic of Texas in 1836 and served his two twelvemonth term.  Presidents were limited to ane term in succession, and in the next election Lamar was nominated for the post.  He won the election, succeeding Houston and was inaugurated in December 1838.  In his attitude toward war with Mexico, fiscal spending and handling of the native tribes, Lamar was the polar opposite of Houston.  Lamar favored driving the Comanche and Cherokee tribes from the settled areas, whereas Houston had been more than conciliatory towards them.  There was some sentiment within the Republic in favor of annexation of Texas into the United States.  This position was opposed by Lamar who felt that, if anything, Texas should instead expand and take activity to become recognized past European countries equally well as its long time foe, Mexico.  He besides felt that the Commonwealth needed to establish a national bank.

Lamar took steps to gain recognition from Mexico and sent delegations to endeavour and forge an agreement that would end the continual skirmishes the Mexican Army.  He authorized armed services activeness against the Cherokee, culminating in the Battle of the Neches in 1839, which was the concluding major battle with the tribe.  Houston's Cherokee friend Chief Bowles was killed, which greatly angered Houston.  Houston and Lamar never reconciled.

Lamar attempted to reestablish the capital from Houston to a place on the Colorado River called Waterloo, now function of Austin.  He promoted the establishment of two universities, simply no construction took identify during his administration.  His various plans were ambitious, only Texas lacked the fiscal stability to reach everything, spending more money that it could heighten with taxes.

In 1841, Lamar authorized the Santa Fe Expedition that ended in defeat.  His term as president concluded and he was succeeded by Houston, who became the only president of the Commonwealth to serve two terms.

Lamar and then returned to service in the Texas Army, which he did for a number of years.  During this time, he participated in the Mexican-American War.  He lived to meet Texas be admitted to the United States in 1845 during Anson Jones' term as president of the Democracy.

In his later years, he married Henrietta Moffitt in 1851.  He successfully ran for the Texas Legislature when he was in his 50s.  He was appointed Minister to Nicaragua in 1857 and served for about two years.  Lamar suffered a heart attack in Dec, 1859 and passed abroad the next day at his home in Richmond at the age of 61.


Lamar's legacy volition include his ambitious plans for the Republic in the areas of territorial expansion, education and the cosmos of a climate for the settlers that was safe from attacks from the native tribes.  He was not able to reach everything he set up out to do, merely is recognized for his efforts.

He was survived past his 2nd wife, Henrietta and i daughter, Loretta Evelina.  Lamar is interred in Morton Cemetery in Richmond, almost his abode.  He was well-read and during his lifetime, he published a number of poems, some of which have previously been printed here in the early days of this web log.  Information technology reveals a literary side of him that is non often discussed.

To a Mexican Girl
My Isabel-dearest Isabell
Oh, have the flowers I transport thee;
And with the gift, the donor's prayers,
All blessings to attend thee.
With health , and wealth, and diffuse life,
And many friends around thee,
Oh, exist this world a world of flowers,
Without a thorn to wound thee.

Sweet girl, these flowers are like thyself,
Thy native vales adorning,
In all the lovely lights arrayed
Iris and the morn;

But brighter far than any rose,
That blooms by Bravo's water,
Is that which decks thy father'south hall
Don Lopez' smile daughter.

Likewise oft, alas! unfeeling human
Is viper in the roses-
And many a tear the maid may shed,
Who on his faith reposes;

Only wo betide the ruthless one,
By world and Heaven rejected,
Who woos and wins and so sweet a flower,
To leave its flower neglected!

Total soon the bright bouquet will fade,
For beauty hath a fleetness;
Simply when the flowers have lost their hues,
They nonetheless retain their sweetness:

And so will information technology exist dear maid, with thee,
And all the gentle-hearted-
The power to please will linger still,
When beauty hath departed.

Oh, by-and-past, when I am old,
And g in all thy glory,
Some gayer bard will sing to thee
His love-inspiring story;

And should he be, as I take been,
Still true to beloved and duty,
So be the minstrel's high reward
The mitt and centre of beauty.

–past Mirabeau B. Lamar

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What Did Mirabeau Lamar Do,


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